FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
Division of Family Services
The Division supports two subcommittees of the LMB:
The Local Care Team (LCT) is an interagency forum for parents and service providers to seek assistance with problem solving for the individual child and family unit, as well as addressing the systemic needs of the community. The LCT strives to ensure that children and their families receive the necessary supports and resources to live in the community successfully. Through discussion, the team provides recommendations of potential resources to meet the expressed needs of the child and parents from a cultural and whole person approach. The Interagency Early Childhood Committee (IECC) as the state-designated local early childhood advisory council promotes the healthy development and well-being of young children and their families through community collaboration. With involvement from a wide variety of child and family serving organizations, the IECC · reviews Maryland Kindergarten Assessment data for Frederick County; · conducts and/or reviews local needs assessment(s) concerning the quality and availability of early childhood education and development programs and services; · identifies opportunities for, and barriers to, collaboration and coordination among federally funded and state funded child development, child care, and early childhood education programs and services, including collaboration and coordination among local agencies responsible for administering such programs. The Division also pursues its strategic priorities through leadership of the Frederick County Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Workgroup – a component of the local health improvement planning process coordinated by the Coalition for a Healthier Frederick County for Frederick County Health Department and Frederick Health Hospital. The Workgroup raises awareness of the impact of toxic stress on children and families, identifies programs and trainings to prevent toxic stress and increase resiliency, as well as treatment and interventions. Departmental Strategic Goals
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