FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
Division of Family Services
Family Partnership Mission Statement
To support and empower children, youth and families with the knowledge and skills needed to meet basic needs, to successfully navigate life's challenges and to advance their hopes and dreams. ThefuturesuccessofFrederickCounty dependsonourabilitytofosterthe health and well-being of youth and families. At Family Partnership, we create solid foundations for children, youth, and families. We take what we know from science and research, combine it with protective factors and provide prevention programs that support Frederick County Families. The Family Partnership Support Center is a one-stop shop providing multi generational education programs and supportive services . An array of
comprehensive services is offered to provide maximum learning potential for youth, parents and their children. All services are integrated to provide comprehensive, meaningful, literacy-based activities to meet the individual goals of participants.
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