FY2023-FY2028 Adopted Capital Improvement Program
FY2023 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program
General Government This category includes several different areas of government, such as public safety (fire, police, and emergency management), public libraries, and the Courthouse. Below is a highlight of major projects. This can include new facilities and equipment and projects that focus on maintaining assets. Fire/Rescue x Fire Stations Construction funding for a new station in the Green Valley/Monrovia area is scheduled in FY24 after completion of a waterline and sewerline extension in FY23. A replacement station for Carroll Manor is planned to receive funding for design in FY24. Renovations of Westview Fire Station #31 in FY25 helps resolve space issues. This station was the first County built station. Design for a new fire station in the Jefferson Tech are is scheduled for FY27. A Fire Alerting System which will provide standard emergency and non emergency display information and alerting across all stations x On going replacements of advance life support cardiac monitors and self contained breathing apparatus are programed as the useful life expires x Apparatus and Vehicle Replacement this project will allow the county to establish a plan to replace Fire/Rescue apparatus x Knox Box Key Secure boxes and Core replacement will allow uniform entry to some properties county wide x Emergency Generator Replacement will start to replace outdated and obsolete generators in the Fire Stations to be replaced over several years x Fire Station Water Supply locations this project will fund the construction of an underground 30,000 gallon cistern annually to ensure water is readily available in rural areas for firefighting purposes, as well as funding for maintenance of several dry hydrants Sheriff Office x Adult Detention Center Medical Unit will construct a 15,000 square foot addition to the Frederick County Adult Detention Center. Some additional construction funding is scheduled for FY23 and also receiving of state funding x Adult Detention Center Rehabilitation scheduled for construction funding in FY24
will include but is not limited to replacement of water lines, pumps and water heating units upgrade of inmate call and duress system ceiling replacement new wall finishes LED lighting remodeling of inmate shower areas and staff restrooms x Sheriff s Office Mobile Date Terminal (MDT) Replacements Periodic replacement of MDTs, which are used by patrol personnel to ensure secure and efficient operations x Sheriff s Department District Office District station to be built in the Urbana, New Market/Linganore and Green Valley area to meet demands resulting from growth and development with design scheduled in FY25 x Sheriff s Office Body Cameras Maryland Senate Bill 71 requires that all law enforcement agencies use body worn cameras by each law enforcement officer no later than July 1, 2025 Communications x 9 1 1 Backup Center EOC/Relocation to PSTF balance of this project funding was reallocated to the Oak St/Himes Ave building where a new 9 1 1 will be constructed
Sheriff s Office Body Cameras
x Public safety communications site systemics This project provides resources to carry out public safety system maintenance and upgrade work at the County s 13 communication towers and/or dispatch sites not covered by other projects. Funding begins in FY25 x Fire department VHF paging replacement Replace various equipment components that provide the primary radio dispatch method for all fire/rescue/EMS units to emergencies countywide in FY23
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