FY2023-FY2028 Adopted Capital Improvement Program
FY2023 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program
Introduction The approve d six year Capital Improvement Progra m (CIP ) for fiscal year s 2023 2028 is hereb y presented . The CIP budget was proposed on April 14 , 2022 . O n Ma y 17 , 2022, th e Count y Council vote d in support o f th e CIP budget propose d b y th e Count y Executive. Criteria Projects that meet th e definitio n of a capita l improvement ar e included i n the CIP. Capital improvement s are defined as: will add to the government s public infrastructur e OR will result in a majo r repai r o f a fixe d asset tha t significantl y adds to or preserves th e lif e o f th e original asset O R will establis h or enhanc e internal computer/program systems . This exclude s routin e expenses such as maintenance, licens e renewals , etc. The project will als o have an individual project cost totalin g $100,000 o r more . Projects o f less than $100,000 wil l onl y be permitte d when required for State o r Federal funding and multipl e projects in a single category, totalin g $100,000 or more , will also b e considere d if the y meet all othe r characteristics . Acquisitio n of land for futur e project s (land banking ) will be eligible whe n it ha s bee n identified as a nee d in th e six year CIP , in th e Count y Comprehensiv e Plan, o r whe n i t can b e show n as necessar y an d base d on recent growth trends. Municipal project s will be considere d if th e project i s not exclusivel y for municipal residents o r if th e project is a cooperative effort b y municipal , count y and/or stat e agencies. Operating costs that ar e associated wit h the capital projects ar e located i n th e Capital Budget Fund sectio n o f th e Operatin g Budget. Thes e cost s will impact th e Operatin g Budget onc e a project has been completed.
Approved CIP was abl e to identif y full o r partial fundin g for 155 projects that totaled $1,158,158,048 .
APPROVED $ 204,874,09 5
In Millions of dollars
General Government Parks & Recreation Watershed Restoration
76,881,58 0 43,650,68 1 203,148,39 4 232,619,46 3 4,892,00 0 33,021,25 0 358,366,97 4
$100 $150 $200 $250 $300
Transportation Water and Sewer
Soli d Wast e
Communit y College Board o f Education
$0 $50
703,61 1
FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2026 FY2027 FY2028
$ 1,158,158,048
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