FY2023-FY2028 Adopted Capital Improvement Program
FY2023 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program
REVENUE SOURCES Fundin g for th e Capita l Improvement Progra m come s from man y sources , primaril y pay go (general fund, recordatio n tax , an d impact fee) , bonds (general fund , recordatio n tax, and impac t fee), enterprise user fees , state & federal grants and develope r participation . Revenu e source s are increasing , howeve r balancin g requests with available cash and affordable debt wil l continu e to impact th e CIP.
Genera l Fund
145,245,117 396,231,090 35,636,042 23,031,298 25,700,437 6,000,000 7,144,244 3,000,000 74,014,799 (1,000,000) 18,526,096 86,117,398 197,856,397 18,651,595 (15,674,924) 137,678,459
Genera l Fund Bonds/Lease Recordation Taxe s Parks Recordation Ta x Bonds Parks Recordation Taxe s Schools Recordation Ta x Bonds Schools
Impac t Fee s Library
Impac t Fee s Bonds Library
Impac t Fee s Schools
Impac t Fe e Bond s Schools Mitigation Fee s Schools Enterpris e Fund Pay go Enterpris e Fund Bonds
Grants State Grant s Federal
Cash Forward Fund State
*Includes $2. 1 million fro m reserv e fund s
Revenue Sources
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