FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Utilities and Solid Waste Management Division

Department of Water Purification and Distribution The Department of Water Purification and Distribution is responsible for the operation of the County's water treatment plants and the water distribution systems. Depending on customer location, the water source may be the Potomac River or a ground water source from deep wells in various aquifers throughout the County. The County's primary water treatment facility, the New Design Water Treatment Plant is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The Department's state-certified operators provide routine daily operation of the County's water supply infrastructure to ensure that customers receive water that continually complies with Federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. Department of Engineering and Planning

The Department of Engineering and Planning performs numerous important functions related to the planning, design and construction of all County-owned water, sanitary sewer and solid waste infrastructure. Water infrastructure includes water treatment plants, water booster pumping stations, transmission mains, water storage tanks, and distribution mains. Wastewater infrastructure includes wastewater treatment plants, wastewater pumping stations, interceptors, collection The Department of Regulatory Compliance plans and coordinates the enforcement of state and local regulations regarding the compliance, monitoring and prevention of contamination and pollution of the public water supply and environment. Additionally, the department staffs a Maryland State-certified water quality laboratory, which supports operations personnel by annually performing over 20,000 analyses used for both compliance and treatment process control. Department of Water and Wastewater Maintenance The Department of Water and Wastewater Maintenance performs preventative and systems and treated effluent outfall sewers. Department of Regulatory Compliance

recurring maintenance on the County's water and sewer lines, treatment works, buildings and other related infrastructure. These activities include l HDN GHWHFWLRQ OLQH ORFDWLRQV ³0LVV 8WLOLW\´ DQG UHODWHG repair of more than 364 miles of water mains and over 3,2200 fire hydrants; the periodic cleaning, preventative maintenance and repair of more than 427 miles of sanitary sewers; recurring maintenance of electrical and mechanical equipment, maintenance of water and wastewater treatment facilities, and the installation, repair and quarterly reads of residential and commercial water meters. Accounting and Finance Support The Department of Accounting and Finance Support provides services to the various departments of the Division of Utilities and Solid Waste Management (DUSWM) for water and sewer activities. The primary responsibilities of this office include customer service, billing, collection of fees, capacity fee calculations, and contract administration.

Strategic Goals Safe Environment

x Monitor the original, closed Site-A Landfill x Manage the currently operating Site-B Landfill x Maintain oversight of the curbside recycling program x Operate recycling centers


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