FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Utilities and Solid Waste Management Division

Utilities and Solid Waste Management Division The Division provides for the planning, construction and operation of the county's water supply, wastewater disposal and solid waste disposal infrastructure. A Water and Sewer Fund and Solid Waste Fund operate as separate, self-supporting Enterprise Funds to ensure financial sustainability of these critical public services. Specialized Departments within this Division provide unique services to both residential and non-residential customers. Department of Solid Waste Management

The Department of Solid Waste Management is responsible for the operation and management RI WKH &RXQW\¶V VROLG ZDVWH disposal and recycling programs, which are complimentary disposal alternatives. The Solid Waste Management facilities are open to County residents and accept all solid wastes except hazardous materials, pathological (medical) wastes, animal carcasses, waste oil and abandoned vehicles. Alternative disposal programs are available for these restricted wastes. Private contractors collect solid waste in all the County's election districts and local municipalities except in Frederick City which employs their own collection crews. Management of the County's waste stream includes: monitoring the original, closed Site A Landfill and management of the currently operating Site B Landfill, oversight of the curbside recycling program, operation of a recycling drop-off center, operation of the yard waste recycling center, coordination of numerous waste-oil recycling centers, management of the Frederick County Government Office Recycling Program, and provision of other waste management programs and services, including twice-yearly household hazardous waste drop-off events.

Department of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal The Department of Wastewater Treatment and Disposal is responsible for the operation of the County's wastewater treatment plants. The Ballenger- McKinney Wastewater Treatment Plant is the County's largest wastewater treatment facility and is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. This Department provides the routine daily operation of the County's ten wastewater treatment plants to ensure continual compliance with Federal Clean Water Act requirements and Enhanced Nutrient Removal (ENR) goals established by the State of Maryland.


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