FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
Division of Aging & Independence
The Division is designated as the Maryland Access Point (MAP) for Frederick County. MAP is a trusted source of information and assistance for Frederick County residents who need or want to plan for their immediate and future needs. MAP serves adults 50 years and older, individuals with disabilities, veterans, family members and other caregivers, and health or business professionals. The Division of Aging & Independence reopened senior centers to the public in 2022 and in-person activities and programs are flourishing once again. Congregate meals are served one day per week at each of the senior centers and attendance for many programs have returned to pre-pandemic levels. The virtual senior center continues to increase its on-line and hybrid classes that feature education, personal enrichment, socialization, and health and fitness classes. Home delivered nutrition programs are in high demand and recipients appreciate the on-going services and well checks offered by the D ivision’s staff . Maryland Access Point, health insurance counseling, caregiver and case management assistance provide services that support the desire of older adults to live in the community.
The Division will utilize the framework of social determinants of health to quantify its programs and services. Social determinants of health are the non-medical factors that influence quality of life and fall into six broad groups: Access to healthcare, Economic stability, Education, Social and community life, Housing/neighborhood, Nutrition. A study by the National Academy of Medicine “…found that medical care itself accounted for only 10 –20% of the factors that contribute to an individual’s health outcomes/quality of life. By contrast, the social determinants of health play a much larger role in influencing a person’s health and o verall quality of life, making up 80 – 90% of the contributing factors.”
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