FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets

Division of Aging & Independence

Division of Aging & Independence The Division of Aging & Independence (formerly known as the Division of Senior Services) is Frederick County’s “one stop shop” for programs and services that assist older adults, individuals with disabilities, caregivers and veterans to age in place with dignity and independence. The Division has four areas of focus: Home and Community Connections (Community Services), Resource and Service Navigation (Client Services), Operations (Area Agency on Aging), and Scott Key Center (“Employment First” focus, providing training, employment opportunities, and community involvement for adults with disabilities). A fifth focus area was added in FY’24. The Division welcomed the opportunity to stand up the County Executive’s Service Coordination initiative. Service Coordination is a person-centered, community-based model that helps older residents access services to remain in the community for as long as possible while maintaining dignity and self determination. Service Coordination facilitates collaboration between community resources to help address the needs of seniors, reduce duplication of services and maximize the value of funding sources. Staff are being hired to implement the program and follow senior clients over an extended, on-going period to offer support, assessment and community referrals. While a soft launch of this program has been initiated, a more robust offering will be forth c oming in FY’25. Once the staff have gained experience and history with the program, client data, statistics and performance measures will be provided in the FY’26 budget. The Division is positioned to champion the needs of Frederick County’s growing senior population , as well as serve those with disabilities, caregivers and veterans, working together to fulfill the Livable Frederick vision of a unique and vibrant community where everyone can live, work and thrive while feeling a strong sense of place and belonging. Vision Statement That all Frederick County residents are empowered, engaged, and equipped to live their best life. As the designated local Area Agency on Aging (AAA), the Division’s primary purpose is to help older adults and people with disabilities live safely in their homes and communities with independence and dignity. The Division helps plan, develop, coordinate and deliver a wide range of long-term services and supports which promote the dignity and enrichment of life for persons over 50 years old, individuals with disabilities, caregivers and veterans.


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