FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets

Division of Interagency Information Technologies

Division of Interagency Information Technologies The Division of Interagency Information Technologies (IIT) is organized into six workgroups: Infrastructure, Applications Services, GIS/Public Safety, Operations, Enterprise and Broadband Project Management, and the Office of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Services provided include Help Desk and workstation support, endpoint management, custom software development, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software support and maintenance, Division specific IT support, Website support (internal and external), Microsoft 365 (email, TEAMS, SharePoint) support, Geographic Information Services (GIS) support, Public Safety system support, network engineering, telecommunications and voice services, data center support, cloud integration, personnel badging services, surveillance camera support, information security, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), and Enterprise and Broadband Project Management. IIT provides on-site and remote delivery of information processing services to all government agencies funded by the

County. The Division also establishes and operates a wide area network (WAN) and central services facility that designs, implements, and supports data, video conferencing, and wireless technology projects (except for police, fire, or rescue radio communications). IIT also serves some of the IT needs of: Frederick County Public Schools, Frederick Community College, Frederick County Public Libraries, all Divisions of County Government and various independent agencies and 12 municipalities within Frederick County.

The IIT GIS team provides mapping support for the County Enterprise Asset Management system, and various citizen services including emergency response, roadway maintenance, environmental sustainability, public works, health initiatives, public schools, and parks and recreation. In collaboration with its municipal partners, the GIS team provides geospatial data, mapping and addressing support, as well as cost sharing for GIS data acquisition and development. Access is provided via internet map applications for property information, County schools, voting information, broadband expansion, and crime statistics which allows Frederick County to leverage its GIS into a valued public service. Voice Services is an Internal Service Fund that manages, monitors, analyzes, procures, implements and upgrades the entire telecommunications network embracing multiple jurisdictions: Frederick County Government, Frederick City Government, State of Maryland agencies located within Frederick County, and several fire and rescue companies. The telecommunications network is also integrated with the Frederick County Public Schools telecommunications network. Examples of services include dial tone, voice mail, video, paging, cell phones, and on-demand call centers.


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