FY2024 Adopted Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2024 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets

Capital Projects - Future Operating Costs

Estimated Annual

BY PROJECT ADC Courtyard Offices

10,000 10,000 15,000 340,000 275,000 18,000 642,107 340,000 18,000 25,000 250,000 505,830 255,233 220,050 125,000 25,000 75,000 20,000 736,216 250,000

Ballenger Creek Maint Area & Widrick House Rehab

Bikeways/Trails Program Brunswick Senior Center

Calico Rocks Regional Park Phase 1

Carroll Manor Fire Station

Courthouse Capacity Improvements East County Senior Center Green Valley Fire Station Montevue Renovations North Frederick Library Othello Regional Park Phase 2 Park Schools Valley Elementary School Rose Hill Manor Carriage Museum

Richard W. Kanode Farm Park Sheriff Office-District Office

Taney Ave Renovations

Thurmont & Johnsville Satellite Yard

Watersheds NPDES Westside Library

Work Release Parking Lot Expansion

15,000 4,170,436

BY DEPARTMENT Custodial Services

727,107 132,250

Facility Maintenance Parks & Recreation Library Operations Senior Center Operations


500,000 730,000 736,216

Maintenance Agreements NPDES



Indirect Operating Costs Future Debt Service - General Fund Supported

47,449,706 22,268,018

Future Debt Service - Self Supported

*Additional personnel are not reflected in these figures and will need to be identified in the future -Operating costs for Board of Education projects that may be funded through the County's appropriation to the school system is not reflected -Operating costs are reflected in today's cost


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