FY2023-FY2028 Adopted Capital Improvement Program

FY2023 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program


Like most County departments, the Highway Department has seen a dramatic increase in the level of need for its services over the past decade. Most of the increases are due to a significant amount of growth in a relatively short period of time. The increased growth has caused an acceleration of the wear and breakdown of these roads. With normal use, a paved surface should last between 10 20 years. Currently, the County is responsible for the maintenance of approximately 1,301 centerline miles of roads.

x Pavement Management Program This program funds Roadway Surface Management System, Surface Coat, Patching, Overlay, Cold in Place Recycling, and Full Depth Reclamation. This project is scheduled for funding throughout the six year CIP ranging from $17.2 $17.6 million per year for a total of $104.4 million x Highway Network Systemic General Consists of the road stabilization, pipe culvert replacement, and the safety/spot improvements programs x Sidewalk Retrofit Program A multi year project to upgrade existing county owned pedestrian facilities to comply with current ADA standards x Pedestrian and Bicycle Missing Links The focus of the program is to construct new sidewalk or bicycle segments where gaps or missing links occur between existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities Mountville Road Patch and Overlay (Pavement Management Program)

x Traffic Control and Safety This program provides funds for signal needs and other traffic control treatments. On going funding for the six years of the CIP is $1 million. x Drainage Assessment Response Team This program will help to improve the management and resolution of drainage issues in the County

x Thurmont & Johnsville Satellite Facility Improvements This project will update the Thurmont and Johnsville road satellite facilities Urbana Satellite Yard This additional construction funding will add a Materal/Equipment Storage Barn, Truck Shed and Wash Bay. x Frederick Satellite Yard This project will add an additional highway operations facility in the northern part of the County Sidewalk Retrofit Program upgrade of pedestrian sidewalks for ADA standards Urbana Satellite Yard


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