FY2023 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2023 Adopted Budget Strategic Framework

Priority Budget Enhancements

Planning & Permitting - Several new positions were added in mid-year FY22. The positions were: Principal Planner Historic Preservation (Planning), Zoning Inspector (Planning), Principal Planner Livable Frederick (Planning), Principal Planner for Development Review Department (Planning), and Assistant Director (Permits/Inspections) The Planning department has two contract services increases for a Historic Preservation Plan and Water Resources Element Plan. Emergency Management Thirteen additional positions, including ten call takers to address the increase in 9-1-1 and non-emergency calls. Additional funding was also provided for contracts and training. Fire and Rescue Services Thirty new positions. Twenty-two of these are Firefighter Recruits for leave impact, three are for the Point of Rocks station, one Firefighter & one Fire Medic as Mobile Health Clinicians. Other positions include an Equipment Tech, a Command Competency Trainer, and a Public Safety Behavioral Health Coordinator. Operating expenses include funds for recruit training and ALS supplies. Volunteer Fire and Rescue Services portable radios for Fire Police, BLS medical supplies, an increase to the matrix funding for operational expenses of volunteer companies, and supplies for the Canteen Unit. Animal Control One part-time Administrative Specialist Citizen Services Four additional positions for the Scott Key Center, three additional positions for Family Partnership (2.25 FTEs) and one additional position for the Child Advocacy Center Senior Services Additional funding to continue to support food delivery programs after special grant funds end, expand funding for senior center satellite locations, and one position to continue and expand virtual senior center programing. Health Services Three additional positions for School Health (2.92 FTEs), and four additional positions and adjustments to some partial FTEs for the Developmental Center (3.97 FTEs, one grant funded). Funding was increased for the Mobile Crisis Team and for increased contract expenses Parks and Recreation A full year of personnel and operating costs were included for the new Oak Street building acquired in FY22. Partial funding was provided for personnel and operating costs for phase 2 of the Old National Pike District Park, the expansion of the Myersville, Urbana, and Jefferson Highway Satellites and Tilco property, as well as the new Brunswick Park School. Funding for the replacement of equipment and increases to custodial contracts were also added. Public Works Nineteen new positions were added including Facilities and Property Acquisition Manager. Eighteen of these were added as FY22 mid-year adjustment. The budget also reflects increases in contracted services. Public Works (Fleet Fund) Funding for new and replacement vehicles, equipment related to other divisions, and two Fleet Utility Technicians Transit (Grant fund) - Funding for one new driver position, an ADA vehicle, a paratransit bus, and replacement of three fixed route heavy duty buses.

Good Governance; Growth

Community Needs; Growth

Community Needs; Growth

Community Needs

Community Needs; Growth Community Needs; Growth

Seniors; Community Needs

Community Needs; Growth

Community Needs; Growth


Good Governance

Community Needs; Growth


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