FY2023 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2023 Adopted Budget Strategic Framework

Priority Budget Enhancements

Priorities: The County Executive relied on extensive public outreach, which in turn, established strategic priorities early on in this administration. Throughout this year s budget development process, the public was engaged and continuously encouraged to offer input and guidance to the County Executive. Although the pandemic still prohibited in-person meetings, several virtual public hearings were held and an on-line survey was made available. Live broadcast of budget meetings, workshops, and presentations created transparency and built public trust in the budget process. Through this, a budget was adopted that addresses the needs of the county for today and into the future, and funds initiatives that support the overall strategic priorities. Highlighted Budget Enhancements and associated Strategic Priorities (unless stated, the enhancements are reflected in the General Fund):

Summary of Budget Enhancement

Strategic Priorities Education; Growth

$33.4 million additional to the Board of Education (above maintenance of effort)

$1.0 million additional to Frederick Community College

Education; Growth

Frederick County Public Library System Four positions to serve the teen population at various branches County Administration Funding for the County s 275 th anniversary events, an additional position for the Budget Office, increased funding for the Women s and Small Business Centers (Economic Development) and one positon for the Communications & Public Engagement Office County Executive & County Council One-time funding for the swearing in ceremony of newly elected officials Sheriff Increase to the Detention Center medical contract, additional school crossing guards, funding for Taser replacements, cell phones for body camera and wellness apps, and an increase in training funding. State s Attorney Eight new positions. These positions will be assigned to the new Community & Diversion Program, the new Domestic Violence Unit, and the Evidence Review Unit (related to the mandated body camera program). The positions include one Chief Prosecutor, one Assistant State s Attorney, four Investigators, one Legal Office Associate, and one Software Integrator. County Attorney Establish a new Police Accountability Board to meet State mandates This includes one position and stipends for board/committee members. Finance An additional Accountant, to help address the growing number and complexity of grants Interagency Information Technology Five new positions were added mid year FY22 when the Broadband Office was established. For FY23, two Software Integrator positions, one System Administrator, and a GIS Analyst were added to address expanding technology needs/systems, and operating expenses for the increased cost of county software maintenance contracts Planning & Permitting (Agricultural Preservation Fund) Purchase of a vehicle and associated operating costs

Education; Community Needs; Growth Community Needs; Growth; Good Governance

Good Governance

Community Needs

Community Needs; Growth

Community Needs; Good Governance; Growth

Good Governance; Growth

Good Governance; Growth

Good Governance


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