FY2021 Adopted Budget

Capital Improvement Program General Government This category includes several different areas of government, such as public safety (fire, police, and emergency management), public libraries, and the Courthouse. Below is a highlight of major projects. This can include new facilities and equipment and projects that focus on maintaining assets. Fire/Rescue x Fire Stations – Construction funding for a new station in the Green Valley/Monrovia area is scheduled in FY21/FY22 and a replacement station for Carroll Manor is planned to receive funding for design in FY24. A Fire Alerting System which will provide standard emergency and non-emergency display information and alerting across all stations x On-going replacements of advance life support cardiac monitors, self-contained breathing apparatus, and mobile data terminals are programed as the “useful life” expires x Apparatus and Vehicle Replacement – this project will allow the county to establish a plan to replace Fire/Rescue apparatus x Knox-Box Key Secure boxes and Core replacement - will allow uniform entry to some properties county wide

Sheriff Office x Adult Detention Center Medical Unit – will construct a 15,000 square foot addition to the Frederick County Adult Detention Center. Construction funding is scheduled in FY22 and is contingent on receiving state funding x Adult Detention Center Rehabilitation - scheduled for construction funding in FY24 will include but is not limited to replacement of water lines, pumps, and water heating units; upgrade of inmate call

and duress system; ceiling replacement; new wall finishes; LED lighting; remodeling of inmate shower areas and staff restrooms x Adult Detention Center Control Center Modernization-this project modernizes the existing control center to provide a better work environment. Funding in FY20 and FY21 x Mobile data terminals will continue to be replaced overtime as useful life comes to an end x E-TIX Hardware replacement–will allow for printers, scanners and mounting hardware for the E-TIX software system to be replaced in vehicles x Courthouse Security Equipment–will replace aging equipment at the Courthouse for screening of individuals entering the Courthouse Communications x Communication Support Vehicle – will serve the communications and management needs during an incident/event for multiple county agencies. x Portable Radio Replacements –this project replaces County portable radios for multiple County agencies. Funding is scheduled for FY21 and FY22 ADC Control Center Modernization

Library Facilities x Middletown Library is scheduled for construction funding in FY22, contingent on contributions from the state x An upgrade/replacement to the current library software system is funded in FY22


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