FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets Child Advocacy Center Mission Statement

Citizens Services Division

Promote child well-being by providing a child and family-focused center to address reports of child maltreatment. We seek to prevent and reduce trauma to children and families using a multi-disciplinary approach to investigation, prosecution, treatment, education and advocacy. The Child Advocacy Center (CAC) is a comfortable, child-friendly facility

designed, staffed, and equipped to provide comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary service to child abuse victims and their families. The Child Advoca F\ &HQWHU LV IXOO\ DFFUHGLWHG E\ WKH 1DWLRQDO &KLOGUHQ¶V $OOLDQFH Children exposed to violence in their families and communities experience trauma. If unaddressed, the stress caused by child maltreatment has a lifelong impact on physical health, learning, and psychological wellbeing ² including reduced brain volume and altered gene function. Children experiencing multiple types of childhood adversity can even have their lives shortened, living 20 years fewer on average than their more protected peers. It do HVQ¶W KDYH WR EH WKLV ZD\ ([SRVXUH WR DGYHUVLW\ LQ childhood is a community-wide health concern and it is preventable. 7KH &$& ZRUNV ZLWK ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW DJHQFLHV WKH )UHGHULFN &RXQW\ 'HSDUWPHQW RI 6RFLDO 6HUYLFHV WKH 6WDWH¶V $WWRUQH\¶V Office, Frederick Health Hospital, Frederick County Public Schools, citizens and other service providers to help children and families heal past traumas, prevent future trauma from occurring, and assist in promoting life-long well-being of the children who come to us for care. Working together, we can successfully address and prevent the negative outcomes associated with maltreatment in childhood.

Strategic Goals Trauma-Focused Services

Provide and promote effective practices which help heal past traumas, prevent further trauma exposure, and promote future well-being of children and families exposed to child maltreatment. The Child Advocacy Center is a safe place for children and their non-offending family members to access needed services including forensic interviews of children, pediatric medical examinations, therapy, and advocacy throughout the investigative and healing processes. Collaboration The Child Advocacy Center facilitates effective, collaborative relationships with stakeholders to address child maltreatment in Frederick County. The multidisciplinary approach minimizes re-traumatization and duplication of efforts, increases access to needed services, and enhances the quality of services available through training and professional development.


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