FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Citizens Services Division

Office for Children and Families Mission Statement

Enhance the quality of life for children, youth and families. This encompasses planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating a comprehensive, integrated human service delivery system for children, youth and families and building on their capacity to be self- sufficient, safe, and healthy.

This Office seeks to create a more efficient and effective system of care for the children and families of Frederick County through developing service, family, community, and financial partnerships; designing goal directed services that are client centered and family focused; targeting resources to families with the greatest needs; and implementing a monitoring system WR GHWHUPLQH FOLHQW DQG FRVW RXWFRPHV &XUUHQW IXQGHG LQLWLDWLYHV IRFXV RQ WKH *RYHUQRU¶V 2IILFH IRU &KLOGUHQ¶V VWUDWHJLF goal areas; to address reducing the impact of incarceration on children youth and families, improving outcomes for disconnected youth, addressing youth homelessness as well as long standing priorities including; mental, dental and prenatal health, home visiting programs for first time parents and after school programs for middle school aged children. The Office for Children and Families (OCF) is home to the Frederick County Local Management Board (LMB), which guides the OCF in governing, allocating resources, monitoring, and evaluating family services in the County. Each county in Maryland is legislatively required to have a Local Management Board operating with the focus of improving results for children, youth, and families. The Frederick County LMB is composed of both private and public members. Private members can include parents, business leaders, private providers, and other citizen representatives while public members include the Frederick County Department of Social Services, Frederick County Public Schools, Frederick County Department of Juvenile Services, Frederick City Police Department, Mental Health Management Agency, Frederick County Family Partnership, Frederick County Human Relations, Frederick County Finance, Frederick County Citizens Services Division, and the Frederick County Health Department. A subcommittee of the LMB, the Local Care Team (LCT) is an interagency forum for parents and service providers to seek assistance with problem solving for the individual child and family unit, as well as addressing the systemic needs of the community. The LCT strives to ensure that children and their families receive the necessary supports and resources to live in the community successfully. Through discussion, the LCT assists with the identification of potential resources to meet identified needs of the child and parents. Strategic Goals The Office for Children and Families partners with community-based, direct service agencies and convenes community JURXSV WR LPSURYH WKH ³0DU\ODQG 5HVXOWV IRU &KLOG :HOO - %HLQJ´ IRU )UHGHULFN &RXQW\ IDPLOLHV (DFK RI WKH IROORZLQJ result areas are being specifically targeted through funded programs and initiatives in FY21: ¾ Communities are safe for children, youth and families ¾ Families are safe and economically stable ¾ Youth will complete school ¾ Youth have opportunities for employment or career readiness ¾ Babies born healthy ¾ Healthy children

¾ Children enter school ready to learn ¾ Children are successful in school


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