FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

County Administrative Services

Budget Office Mission Statement Support the County Executive in development, presentation and justification of the proposed annual budget to the County Council and to assist County Divisions with on-going budget monitoring throughout the fiscal year. The Budget Office works collaboratively with all County Divisions, boards, agencies and commissions to understand what EXGJHWDU\ UHVRXUFHV DUH QHHGHG WR DFFRPSOLVK WKH &RXQW\¶V 6WUDWHJLF *RDOV By forecasting revenues and predicting expenses this Office provides the County Executive with resource estimates that guide development of County policy. Analysis is conducted on programs, projects and initiatives to look for performance indicators that measure progress. The Budget Office also advises all areas of County Government on annual budget guidelines and assists them in supplemental budget requests in front of the County Council. Strategic Goals Budget Transparency

Produce public presentations, reports, analysis and documentation that makes it easy for citizens and elected officials to quickly comprehend complex financial information. Stewardship Maintain budget control mechanism and systems to ensure legally adopted budget limits are not exceeded. Customer Service This Budget Office recognizes that it is a support function to all County Divisions and the public. Every effort will be made to assist all users, both internal and external in accessing County budget information and systems.


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