FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

County Administrative Services

Lead by Example Save money through energy efficiency and conservation. Transitions to clean energy. Pilot new and transformative technologies that benefit the community. Promote Business Innovation Facilitate the development of new businesses and technologies. Support good-paying local jobs in these industries. Safeguard clean air, water, and a healthy environment for all. Promote Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans for businesses. Work with the Community Ensure that Frederick County is a great place to live and work today and for future generations. Support public participation LQ DQ RSHQ DQG WUDQVSDUHQW JRYHUQPHQW WKDW FRPSOHPHQWV WKH &RXQW\ ([HFXWLYH¶V FRPPXQLW\ -driven initiatives. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Communications Department Mission Statement Tell the stories of Frederick County Government to engage and inform the people we serve.

The Communications Department uses internal and external media outlets to educate and inform the public. Through avenues such as social media, FCG TV programming, news releases, and public information briefings, the department informs WKH FLWL]HQV RI WKH &RXQW\ ([HFXWLYH¶V L nitiatives and the work done by divisions within the Executive Branch. The Department also provides television coverage of public meetings by the County Council and numerous boards and commissions. Staff include the Video Services team and the Public Information Officer. Strategic Goals Share with the Community

Produce and disseminate video programming for FCG TV and social media accounts, news releases for local and regional PHGLD DQG ZULWWHQ DQG YLVXDO FRQWHQW IRU WKH &RXQW\¶V ZHEVLWH &UHDWH SUHVHQWDWLRQV QHZVOHWWHUV DQG RWKHU ZULWLQJV DERXW what is happening within the Executive Branch. Work with local and regional media to provide accurate, relevant information. Coordinate special recognition ceremonies and events. Manage Information Notify the public in advance of and during emergencies. Inform residents about the services and programs provided through Frederick County Government. Provide support to county agencies by recording employee training sessions, assisting with website management, and promoting their programs and initiatives.


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