FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
Division of Health Services
Division of Health Services The Health Department functions at both a State and County level by implementing State and County laws and regulations. The Director / Health Officer reports to the State Health Department and to the County Executive on public health issues in the County and the region.
The Health Department performs all mandated functions as outlined in the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and also implements numerous Federal and State grant programs to address identified health needs in the community. Community partnerships are an e ssential component of the Health Department’s success. The Health Department is proud to be an accredited organization, a status they achieved in 2014 and successfully reaccredited in 2021. Core Services Core Public Health funding supports the following state designated core areas: Administration and Communication Services; Adult Health and Geriatric Services; Communicable Disease Control Services; Environmental Health Services Family Planning Services; Infectious Disease Control Services; Maternal and Child Health Services; Wellness Promotion Services. The funding is shared by the State and the County. FCHD – Golden Mile Location The FCHD – Golden Mile Location is run by the Health Department Equity Office. This location was intentionally chosen after it was successfully used as a COVID-19 testing location. It is also a CDC identified opportunity zone as indicated by the Social Vulnerability Index which refers to the resilience of communities when confronted by external stresses on human health. In addition to supporting place-based approach to health equity, they continue to develop relationships and partner with trusted organizations to provide necessary social supports, prioritizing organizations run by and serving historically marginalized populations heavily burdened by structural barriers. They have successfully coordinated offering services from multiple health department programs, as well as other County divisions such as Aging and Independence, Energy and Environment, Frederick County Public Libraries, and Frederick County Department of Social Services at their convenient and walkable location on the Golden Mile. They have also promoted community involvement in public health in innovative ways by providing local grant opportunities to businesses and non-profits, demonstrating both their relationship building and emphasis on strengthening the local community while addressing social determinants of health. Behavioral Health Mobile Crisis Services and Management of Crisis Services Mobile Crisis Services (MCS) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support children, youth, families, and adults in Frederick County. The contractor, Sheppard Pratt/Way Station, Inc., responds to calls from the Mental Health Association of Frederick Co unty’s call center dispatch, the community at large, and law enforcement agencies. Staff provide in person, face-to-face crisis intervention services for individuals and families and collaboratively determine the appropriate next steps. This may include admission to a residential crisis program as appropriate and available. MCS provides these services to individuals who self-identify as being in crisis and, if not for MCS, would access 911 and Emergency Department services. The Local Behavioral Health Authority (LBHA), housed within the Behavioral Health Services Division of the Health Department, provides oversight and management of MCS funding and other county behavioral health crisis services.
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