FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets

Division of Aging & Independence

Scott Key Center

Mission Statement Scott Key Center’s program mission is to foster a broad range of person centered, integrated employment opportunities and community involvement for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Frederick County, Maryland. As a result of the County Executive’s Transition Team report, the Scott Key Center transitioned to the Division of Aging and Independence, bringing into alignment like-minded services and supports. Combining departments that have a similar mission and vision under one Division will leverage the synergy that exists and promote efficiencies. The Division of Aging and Independence has built a strong framework that supports both the aging and disability populations in Frederick County, enhancing the opportunities for collaboration and innovation. The transition occurred in March 2023. The Scott Key Center provides employment training and employment opportunities for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities.

The Scott Key Center embraces the Employment First initiative. Employment First, a national movement, is a framework for systems change that is centered on the premise that all citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life. Implementing innovative and creative approaches, the Scott Key Center provides customized employment through utilizing the discovery process, job development, and on-going supports for individuals in integrated competitive jobs. The entire process focuses on the individual’s likes, desires, strengths, weaknesses, talents, skills, experience, and education. Facilitating collaboration with family members, staff, community partners, and other stakeholders, the Scott Key Center can customize the services and supports it provides to the person. As a result, more individuals will be able to choose the supports and jobs they desire in the communities where they live and be respected for their abilities and contributions.


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