FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
Division of Aging & Independence
Services available include: · Caregiver Support for families and others who provide care, support and supervision of older adults with chronic health conditions. · Support, advocacy and referrals for Frederick County’s 17,000+ veterans. · A virtual senior center, which enables participatory interaction with classes and activities that occur (real time) in the senior centers so people can participate from home. Educational videos are also available for people to watch on their own time. · Four full service senior centers provide a variety of opportunities for education, personal enrichment, socialization, and health and fitness for adults age 50+. · Health and Wellness programs that include nursing assessment, health education and screenings, and evidence based fitness/wellness classes. · Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) to qualified homebound individuals. · Congregate meals are served one day/week at each senior center. · Long Term Care Ombudsman who help to investigate and resolve concerns a resident may have who live at a nursing or assisted living care facility in Frederick County.
· Coordinate and/or provide in-home and community-based services that enable eligible people to return to their home/community or provide needed services so they can remain in their homes in order to safely “age in place.”
· Medicare/Medicaid and other insurance counseling, as well as information, assistance and referral to other services in the County that can assist older adults and their families. Information about health care fraud and abuse is also provided. · Care Management Services for individuals who live in the community and for those who have been declared incompetent by the Circuit Court.
· Volunteer and civic engagement opportunities. · Employment training for adults with disabilities · Employment opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities Departmental Strategic Goals
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