FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets

Division of Emergency Management

Division of Emergency Management The Division of Emergency Management is comprised of an administrative office and two operational departments. The departments operate in accordance with policies established by the County Executive and Division Director, under the supervision of the Division Director. Each department is led by a Director who is responsible for managing the operational and administrative activities of the department. Administration Provides guidance, coordination, and support for development, maintenance and operations of the County’s shared public safety systems including: public safety/public service trunked radio system; 9-1-1 telephony system and related addressing/mapping efforts; fixed and mobile computer aided dispatch system; digital logging solutions; public warning and agency notification systems. Point of contact for developing, modifying and enacting of mutual aid agreements, and emergency action plans. Staff works regularly with the Maryland Department of Emergency Management; Maryland 9-1-1 Board; Maryland Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council; Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments; Maryland Association of Counties; Federal Communications Commission Region 20 Planning Committee; and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Region 3 Emergency Communications and Coordination Working Group to ensure County concerns and interests are addressed in relevant efforts. County disaster operations are coordinated by the Division Director as a part of the emergency management function as defined in Title 14 of the Annotated Code of Maryland. Direction and control for this process is provided by the Division Director or designee in support of the County Executive and Chief Administrative Officer through the Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) and

Governor to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Certain communication items and other expenses are funded by FEMA via state pass-through grants. Application for disaster relief is made through the local Emergency Management office via MDEM to FEMA. The County’s various planning documents are continuously updated to reflect changes in local condition as well as to conform to changing State and Federal regulations. Emergency Communications

The Department of Emergency Communications operates the County's Public Safety Answering Point, more commonly referred to as the 9-1-1 Center. The 9-1-1 Center provides around the clock service to the community for emergency and non-emergency requests for assistance for all public safety first responders county-wide. Primary 9-1-1 answering and dispatching is conducted by County staff for all of the county's fire, rescue, and ambulance services, Frederick County Animal Control, and the Frederick County Sheriff's Office, Brunswick City Police, and Thurmont Police Department. The Frederick Police Department, Fort Detrick Police Department, Maryland State Police Barrack B, and the Maryland State Highway Administration ’s District 7 Traffic Operations Center provide their own agency staff to dispatch their agency resources and partner with the County in our facilities and/or public safety systems.


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