FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets

Division of Economic Opportunity

Division of Economic Opportunity Office of Economic Development (OED) Mission Statement To sustain, diversify and grow Frederick County’s vibrant economy by providing leadership and resources for businesses to start, locate and expand. OED serves as the primary contact for the business community, with a focus on job creation and commercial capital investment. OED works to attract new businesses to the county, retain and grow existing businesses, and assist entrepreneurs and small business. Targeted industries include Biosciences, Computing and IT, Hospitality and Tourism, Professional, Engineering, Scientific and Technical Services, Logistics & Distribution, Value-Added Agriculture, and Manufacturing. Partn erships with the Maryland Women’s

Business Center, the Small Business Development Center and Frederick Innovative Technology Center Inc. and OED’s Diversity and Inclusion programs s upport the County’s strategic focus on entrepreneurship and small business support.

Departmental Strategic Goals


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