FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
)< 3URSRVHG %XGJHW 6WUDWHJLF )UDPHZRUN Foundation of Good Government )UHGHULFN &RXQW\ SURYLGHV RSHQ WUDQVSDUHQW JRYHUQPHQW ZKHUH SHRSOH FDQ SDUWLFLSDWH DQG PDNH D GLIIHUHQFH 5HVLGHQWV DUH HQHUJL]HG WR VKDSH WKH IXWXUH RI WKH &RXQW\ LQLWLDWLYHV x Increase citizen interaction with County government through modernized technology x Engage citizens in the budget process, providing clear information and online budget tools x Develop government leadership through Leadership Frederick County
x Make data-driven decisions using evidence-based programs that are outcome oriented x Protect the workforce’s culture of professionalism and high level of customer service
Strategic Goals & Initiatives
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & JOBS x Revitalize the Business & Industry Cabinet x Establish a Business & Industry Sub-Cabinet
x Streamline the Permitting Experience for All Customers x Establish a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Program
x Explore Additional Procurement Strategies to Support Local Businesses x Implement the Frederick County Growth Opportunity (GO) Strategy x Lift the Creative Economy x Develop Place-Based Economic Development Models x Provide Targeted Tax Relief to ALICE Families x Establish a Retail Incubator x Support the Diversifying Agricultural Economy x Position Frederick County to Be a National Leader in the Data Center Industry EDUCATION & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT x Partner with Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) to Recruit & Retain the Best Educators x Invest in Student Behavioral Health x Develop a Collective Impact Model to Serve the County’s Most Vulnerable Students x Think Creatively about County Spaces to Support Education & Workforce Stakeholders x Partner with FCPS to Develop a Plan for Universal Pre-Kindergarten x Convene a Summit to Create a Comprehensive Workforce Plan x Expand Apprenticeship and Internship Programs GOVERNMENT INNOVATION x Encourage a Culture of Innovation & Failing Forward x Modernize Talent Management x Focus on the Customer Service Experience x Break Down Siloes within the Organization & Foster Enterprise-Wide Thinking
x Develop a Collective Impact Model x Develop a Grant-Making Strategy x Develop an Enterprise-Wide Approach to Technology
x Partner with Data Driven Frederick to Build a New Model for Data-Driven Decision Making x Use the Livable Frederick Master Plan to Create an Outcome-Based Budgeting System
x Develop an Enterprise-Wide Approach to Communications x Overhaul the Website with a Constituent-Focused Design x Meet Constituents Where They Are
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