FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget
FY2022 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets
Agricultural Preservation
Agricultural Preservation The Agricultural Land Preservation office administers a variety of local, state, and federal land preservation programs focused on protecting agricultural lands. Current programs are Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Critical Farms, Installment Purchase, Maryland Agricultural Preservation Foundation, and Rural Legacy. The main funding sources for the agricultural preservation programs are derived from dedicated County recordation tax, State grants, a portion of the State Agricultural Transfer Tax, DQG FRQWULEXWLRQV IURP WKH &RXQW\¶V JHQHUDO IXQG 7KURXJK legislation, the County has dedicated 25.0% of recordation tax revenues toward agricultural land preservation in the county.
Budget Highlights The following budget adjustments are reflected in FY22:
Effective October 1, 2020, the recordation tax was increased from $6/$500 of consideration to $7/$500 of consideration. The $1 increase is dedicated to agriculture preservation (of which $500,000 is dedicated to related programs). This will effectively increase the percentage dedicated from 12.5% to 25.0%. The FY2022 budget reflects a full year of the new rate in revenue (Other Taxes) and in program expenditures. Miscellaneous Revenue is significantly higher than FY21, due to timing of Critical Farms refunds. A Planner I position and related operating costs were approved mid year in FY21. An independent study of salary and benefits was conducted. As a result, the budget reflects a several year phase in to adjust the salaries of certain positions to reflect current market rates, as well as adjustments to salary scales, position titles, and classifications. Changes in salaries and benefits based on contracts, individual benefit elections, tax laws, etc., are also included.
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