FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2022 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets

Capital Projects Operating Costs

Capital Projects Operating Costs The following two pages shows the Associated Operating Costs for FY2022 and the Estimated Annual Future Operating Costs for the Adopted Capital Improvement Program projects. Associated Operating Costs are operating costs that will be added to the operating budget when the CIP projects are complete in FY2022. These costs can also be residual costs related to projects that have been completed in FY2021. Estimated Annual Future Operating Costs are estimated annual operating costs for future CIP projects that once they are completed in the future will have annual operating costs. General Government projects are normally refurbish or replacement projects and normally do not have significant additional operating costs once the project is complete. Projects that are brand new will have significant new operating costs that will need to be included once the project is complete. These costs are reflected in the General Fund. 3DUNV 5HFUHDWLRQ SURMHFWV WKDW H[SDQG WKH FRXQW\¶V UHFUHDWLRQDO DUHDV VRPHWLPHV K ave significant additional operating costs once the project is complete. These costs are reflected in the General Fund. Watershed projects normally have additional operating costs for maintaining the project site once completed. These costs are reflected in the General Fund. Roads, Bridges and Highways are normally refurbished or enhancement projects and normally do not have significant additional operating costs once the project is complete. The exception is under Highways for any Satellite facilities that are built or replaced. The established CIP for Roads, Bridges and Highways helps to keep the operating maintenance costs down for keeping the good condition of the infrastructure of Roads, Bridges and Highways. These costs are reflected in the General Fund. Water and Sewer projects are normally refurbish or replacement projects and normally do not have significant additional operating costs once the project is complete. These costs are reflected in the Water and Sewer Fund. Operating Costs for Board of Education projects are not reflected. Some of the one time costs may be funded through the Board of Education normal County funding request. Operating Costs for Frederick Community College projects are not reflected. Some of these cost may be indirectly funded

through the Frederick Community College normal County funding request. Operating Costs for Municipalities projects are not funded by the County.


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