FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets


HOUSING & QUALITY OF LIFE x Establish a Division of Housing x Become the Lead Agency for the Continuum of Care Collaborative x Expand Further into the World of Housing Finance x Develop a Housing Preservation Strategy x Partner with Municipalities to Increase the Affordable Housing Supply x Improve the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO)

x Review the Zoning Ordinance & Regulations to Reduce Barriers to Affordable Housing x Review All County-Owned Land to Be Considered for Affordable Housing Opportunities x Develop a Service Coordination Model for Our Lowest Income Seniors to Age in Place x Link Neighborhoods to Accessible Recreational Spaces PUBLIC HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES x Incorporate a Health Equity Lens into Grant-Making x Strengthen the Healthcare Workforce x Focus on Maternal Health Disparities x Implement a Health in All Policies (Heaps) Framework x Make Mental Health Services More Accessible and Collaborative x Expand Successful Strategies for Addressing the Opioid Crisis to Emerging Disorders PUBLIC SAFETY x Finish Implementing the Laird Line of Duty Death After Action Report x Focus on Recruiting & Retaining First Responders x Promote Wellness of Front-Line Workers

x Expand Successful Programs & Measure Their Impact x Emphasize Prevention for Intimate Partner Violence x Incorporate Additional Behavioral Health Protocols x Break Down Siloes & Examine Problems More Holistically x Promote Youth Engagement with Uniformed Services Personnel SUSTAINABILITY, INFRASTRUCTURE & TRANSPORTATION x Leverage Federal Money for Infrastructure & Resilience x Implement a Whole-Community Approach to Energy Efficiency x Build Resilience to Extreme Precipitation & Drought Events x Ensure Adequate Domestic Water & Sewer Capacity x Engage the Agricultural Community x Develop a Greenway Corridors & Infrastructure Plan x Transition the County Fleet to Electric Vehicles x Reorganize & Resource Transportation Functions x Advocate for Expanded Regional Transportation Service


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