FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets
FY2025 Proposed Budget Organizational Budgets
County Executive’s Office
County Executive’s Office
In accordance with the Charter of Frederick County, the County Executive is the chief executive officer of the County. The County Executive leads the executive branch of the County Government in the delivery of services to all county citizens. The County Executive has established a Strategic Transition Plan to guide all County Divisions to budget for the achievement of shared goals. This plan allows the County Executive to allocate resources, measure performance and communicate positive results being generated for all county residents.
Values & Vision Executive Fitzwater’s Administration prioritizes the values of inclusion , sustainability , and accountability as they work together to fulfill the Livable Frederick vision of a unique and vibrant community where everyone can live, work, and thrive while feeling a strong sense of place and belonging . Strategic Priorities The values of inclusion, accountability, and sustainability served as a guide for seven key working committees, or priority areas of the Transition Team, formed by the County Executive to help identify the Administration’s strategic priorities. The collaborative and community-driven workgroups provided a list of strategic recommendations in their final report, presented on March 20, 2023. The Administration’s strategic goals and initiatives are centered around these key priority areas: · Economic Development and Jobs · Education and Workforce Development · Government Innovation · Housing and Quality of Life · Public Health and Human Services · Public Safety · Sustainability, Infrastructure, and Transportation County Executive Fitzwater believes in a transparent and inclusive government. As part of the FY2025 Budget development, and in keeping with her pledge to make the budget process accessible for the public, the County Executive held seven budget town halls, two at Winchester Hall and one in each council district, and engaged more than 700 residents in a budget survey. The County Execuitve appreciates the many residents who helped develop the FY2025 Operating and Capital Budgets.
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