FY2025 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets

FY2025 Proposed Budget Requests


Estimated Requested

Proposed Amount


$9,021,223 $8,868,745

Total General Fund Base Change Requests Received………………………………………………………..

Education & Workforce Services

Frederick County Public Libraries

Minimum wage increase

$36,049 $25,701 $27,730 $11,914

$36,770 $25,701 $28,185 $11,914

Funding formula increase due to population estimates Additional part‐time staff for the new Middletown Library

Workforce Services

Minimum wage increase for PT students

Economic Development and Jobs Economic Opportunity

Inflationary increases for renewals of existing software tools which have increased from 6‐25%.



Public Safety

Fire & Rescue Services

Administration: Recurring license and system maintenance fees for installation of APS Alerting System as locations come online (10 locations this year). Administration: Contract increase for security personnel to monitor the front entrance of the Public Safety Training Facility. Administration: Increase in required hose & ladder annual testing to comply with NFPA standards. Administration: Annual stormwater maintenance for Middletown Fire Station's five mandated stormwater filtration ponds. Administration: Replace outdated equipment for Candidate Physical Ability Testing required for new recruits. Training: Adjustment to recruit training school costs. This will cover the final weeks of the recruit classes 36 & 37 to be completed in FY25. Operations: Inflationary increase for Advanced Life Support medical supplies for three vehicles purchased in FY24. Operations: Adjustment to Holiday Pay for firefighters based on the average salary of firefighters/new hires and an additional Election Day holiday. Operations: Increase to defibrillator/chest compressor maintenance. Operations: Upgrade for software & annual maintenance for the Handtevy Pediatric Resuscitation System, a medication management system for pediatric patients. Operations: Adjust Ambulance Billing to account for increased revenues which results in increases to related expenses such as contracted services, supplies, etc. (Note: will be offset by $661,200 of revenue) Fire Marshal: Adjustment to Fire Marshal's Office overtime to conduct 3,800 inspections annually, as required.


























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