FY2025 Proposed Capital Improvement Program

Capital Project Summary

Capital Project Number: FC1023

Activity #:

Capital Project Title: Health Education and Athletics Center (Bldg D Renovation/Addition)

Region: Frederick

Asset Type: Community College Asset Category: Community College

Year Identified: 2016 Est Completion Date: 6/30/2031

Capital Project Status: Active

Capital Project Description: The original proposal for this project was to renovate the approximately 36,000 GSF Athletics Center (Building D), that was constructed in 1969 and construct a modest addition to accommodate new academic needs. This proposed project was developed under the College ’ s last Facilities Master Plan update in 2017. Subsequently, the 2023-2033 Facilities Master Plan space needs analysis identified next steps in our campus development. With that in mind, a capital project to renovate and add to our Athletics Center (Building D) was merited, several categories of space needs identified, and a Facility Program Part I and Part II was submitted to the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC), in December 2023, as required for inclusion in the FY26 State CIP budget request. Based on recent meetings with County officials, feedback received from the State, and after considering other internal/external factors that influence the College ’ s long term facilities planning, College administration re-envisioned the previously proposed Health and Wellness Center and reduced the program scope. The revised project includes a reduction of 5,000 GSF in the existing Building D renovation (from 36,000 to 31,000) and 48,500 GSF in the new addition (from 91,500 to 43,000). The revised project totaling 74,000 GSF proposes renovating the existing Athletics Center (Building D), and constructing an addition of approximately 43,000 GSF to accommodate new academic needs in a workforce growth sector for Frederick County and to improve existing athletic functions.

Cash Requirement Schedule:

Project Total

Prior Budget







2030 Costs After

Construction - State's Share 42,798,257 Construction - County's Share 27,977,749

2,953,775 2,183,225 5,137,000

13,670,625 8,724,619 17,449,238 6,448,631 6,448,631 12,897,262 20,119,256 15,173,250 30,346,500

Total Cost:


Funding Schedule:

Project Total

Prior Budget







2030 Costs After

MD FCC - Capital Project Trans from General Fund General Obligation Bonds



13,670,625 8,724,619 17,449,238


27,977,749 70,776,006

2,183,225 5,137,000

6,448,631 6,448,631 12,897,262 20,119,256 15,173,250 30,346,500

Total Cost:


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