FY2025 Proposed Capital Improvement Program

FY2025 Proposed Budget Capital Improvement Program

Summary of Changes

Current Construction Year

CE Proposed Construction Year

Project #

WATER/SEWER Project Name


WS1001 Ballenger-McKinney WWTP Sludge Management WS1002 Sewerage Problem Area Remediation WS1009 Inflow & Infiltration 1 201A-S WS1012 Linganore Interceptor 1 - Lower Reach WS1013 Linganore Interceptor 2 - Upper Reach WS1017 Water Storage Tank Improvements WS1028 Developer-Funded Infrastructure WS1047 Maintenance Building Expansion/Relocation WS1062 New Design WTP Sludge Thickener No. 2 WS1066 Water Distribution Improvements WS1075 Crestwood Plaza Water Meter Relocation WS1076 Concrete Water Tank Recoating Project WS1080 Pont of Rocks WWTP Renovation WS1081 Ballenger McKinney Pump Header Replacement WS1088 Buckeystown Interceptor Sewer Rehabilitation WS1089 Ballenger WWTP Electrical Services Improvements WS1101 DUSWM Maintenance Systemics - Ballenger Wastewater WS1102 DUSWM Maintenance Systemics - Small Systems Wastewater WS1108 DUSWM Maintenance Systemics - Water WS1084 Water Meter Relocations WS1087 Refurbish Bolted Steel Water Tanks

2028 2029 2024 2029 2029

2028 2030 2024 2030 2030

No Change

Delayed 1 year per division

No Change

Delayed 1 year per division Delayed 1 year per division

2022-2026 On-Going

2022-2026 No Change On-Going No Change

Funding split per the division based on anticipated project

2025 2024


2024/25 Residual funding


2023-2026 No Change

2023/24 2024/25 2024/25 2024/25

2023-25 Residual funding

2024/25 No Change 2024/25 No Change 2024/25 No Change 2025-2027 No Change 2024-2028 No Change

2025-2027 2024-2028



No Change


2024/25 No Change


On-Going No Change

On-Going On-Going

On-Going No Change On-Going No Change

Current Construction Year

CE Proposed Construction Year

Project #

SOLID WASTE Project Name


SW1004 DWSR Maintenance Systemics - Solid Waste SW1007 Leachate Treatment/ Office Facilities Rehabilitation

On-Going 2023/24

On-Going No Change

2023-27 Additional funding and in future years

SW1010 Transfer Station Project SW1011 *Transfer Station Floor Repair SW1012 *Paradigm Program Replacement SW1013 *Flare Regulation Compliance


2024/25 Residual funding

2025 2025 2025

New Project New Project New Project

GREEN Additional funding added or New Project ORANGE Partial request funded RED Project delayed

* Denotes "New" project


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