FY2025-FY2030 Adopted Capital Improvement Program
Capital Project Summary
Capital Project Number: GG1090
Activity #: C1048.1048.01
Capital Project Title: Fire Service Water Supply locations
Region: Countywide
Capital Project Status: In Progress Asset Type: Public Safety Asset Category: General Government
Year Identified: 2022 Est Completion Date: 12/31/2028
Capital Project Description: Today, 86% of Frederick County is not served by a municipal fire hydrant system to supply water in the event of a fire. When a fire occurs in these area of Frederick County, the Division of Fire and Rescue Services relies on static water sources to include streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. In the extremely rural areas of the county, water needs to be trucked in to a fire scene over several miles to sustain a firefight. During times of drought, freeze, or inclement weather, these static water sources can prove to be inaccessible or unusable. To ensure adequate fire protection and life safety services in the rural areas of Frederick County, the Division of Fire and Rescue Services is proposing a Rural Water Supply Project. This project will fund the construction of 1 underground 30,000 gallon cistern annually which will ensure water is readily available and accessible when it is needed to fight a fire. In addition, this project will fund construction and maintenance of several “ dry fire hydrants ”. Dry Fire Hydrants are a piping configuration that allows the fire service year round access to static bodies of water (like streams and ponds) in all conditions. This project will not only provide greater fire protection to the citizens who live in rural areas, but can also work to improve our insurance ratings provided by the Insurance Services Office and in turn reduce the insurance rates for those homes and businesses in direct proximity to the water source.
Cash Requirement Schedule:
Project Total
Prior Budget
2030 Costs After
NonCapital Furniture / Equipment
1,067,700 248,000 364,300
Total Cost:
1,067,700 248,000 364,300
Funding Schedule:
Project Total
Prior Budget
2030 Costs After
General Obligation Bonds
1,067,700 248,000 364,300 1,067,700 248,000 364,300
455,400 455,400
Total Cost:
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