FY2025-FY2030 Adopted Capital Improvement Program

FY2025 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program


REVENUE SOURCES Funding for the Capital Improvement Program comes from many sources, primarily pay-go (general fund, recordation tax, and impact fee), bonds (general fund, recordation tax, and impact fee), enterprise user fees, state & federal grants and developer participation. Revenue sources are increasing, however balancing requests with available cash and “affordable” debt will continue to impact the CIP.


General Fund

335,755,159 566,178,824 21,967,532 11,156,999 7,645,185 3,000,000 46,067,857 19,775,796 50,030,003 157,886,606 137,548,792 30,893,537 207,906,612 147,358,104 - 9,513,950 -

General Fund Bonds/Lease Recordation Taxes - Parks Recordation Tax Bonds - Parks Recordation Taxes - Schools Recordation Tax Bonds - Schools

Impact Fees - Library

Impact Fees Bonds -Library

Impact Fees -Schools

Impact Fee Bonds - Schools Mitigation Fees - Schools Enterprise Fund Pay-go

Enterprise Fund Bonds

Grants - State Grants - Federal

Cash - Forward Fund State





Revenue Sources

*Includes $2.1 million from reserve funds

General Fund Bonds/Capital Lease 32%

General Fund 19%

Other 8%

Recordation Tax Pay Ͳ go/Bonds 2% Impact Fee Pay Ͳ go/Bonds 3%

Forward Fund 13%

Grants 10%

Mitigation Fee Pay Ͳ go 1%

Enterprise Fund Pay Ͳ go/Bonds 12%


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