FY2025-FY2030 Adopted Capital Improvement Program

FY2025 Adopted Budget Capital Improvement Program

Watershed Restoration & Retrofit The Watershed Restoration and Retrofit CIP includes projects that meet requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program, County-owned Industrial Discharge Permits for Stormwater, and County Chesapeake Bay and Local Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements. Based on guidelines identified in the Clean Water Act, these programs seek the reduction of pollutants from stormwater. The NPDES MS4 permit, Industrial Stormwater permits, and TMDL programs are administered by the United

States Environmental Protection Agency with permitting and enforcement delegated to the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The Division of Energy and Environment is responsible for implementing these required programs for Frederick County government. Along with stormwater management retrofit and restoration projects, the program calls for watershed and TMDL plans, public education and outreach, resource mapping, water monitoring systems to detect pollutant discharge and an increased focus on site development, in addition to other requirements. Ultimately, these programs seek to provide long-term protection of our water resources from stormwater impacts. The current permit cycle started in December 2022 and will end December 2027. New program requirements were scoped in FY23; funding has been updated to meet the permit needs.

x Retrofits

o County Owned Stormwater Facilities o Regenerative Stormwater Conveyance o Non-County Owned Stormwater Facilities (if qualified)

Stream Restoration-Two Years Post Completion Double Pipe Stream in Keymar, MD

x Stream Restorations – designed to improve the stability, environmental health and biodiversity of a stream; protect infrastructure; and reduce flooding in the surrounding areas.

x Reforestation – large scale tree planting improves environmental health and biodiversity of aquatic life and reduces streambank and upland pollution and degradation. x Watershed Assessments and Systemics - funding is provided for general assessment and maintenance that could identify future projects in the categories listed above.

Reforestation Project Jefferson, MD


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