FY2023 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2023 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Parks and Recreation Division

Parks and Recreation Division PARKS & RECREATION Recreational Services Vision Statement The Department of Recreational Services will enhance the quality of life by providing innovative activities and programs to meet the recreational needs of our community. We will encourage participation in a variety of recreational opportunities that will foster enjoyment and lifelong learning .

Park Operations Vision Statement

The Department of Parks Operations is dedicated to the highest level of care for our natural and historic resources while making the park facilities available to all to safely enjoy. The Parks department prioritizes maintenance with strategic capital resources to ensure the park infrastructure remains operational. Frederick County Division of Parks and Recreation (FCPR) operates 25 parks which include features such as athletic facilities, picnic shelters, hiking trails,

fishing areas, key water trail access points, tennis and basketball courts, historic sites, two rentable buildings, playgrounds, and more. County citizens continue to seek out Frederick County Parks and Recreation facilities to get active, explore nature, and connect with friends and neighbors. Parks and Recreation is committed to maintaining and expanding the FRXQW\¶V UHFUHDWLRQDO DUHDV SDUNV ELNH DQG ZDONLQJ WU ails, and other recreational infrastructure that contributes toward LPSURYLQJ FRXQW\ UHVLGHQWV¶ SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO KHDOWK DQG SURPRWHV HFRQRPLF RSSRUWXQLWLHV 3DUNV DQG Recreation provides powerful benefits that create healthier people, protect our natural resources, and contribute to environmental sustainability. The park system offers some unique amenities such as: a disc golf course and marble rings in Middletown Park, two of the County's three historic covered bridges in Loy's Station Park and Roddy Road Park, a skate park at Urbana Community Park, an equestrian trail in Othello Regional Park, two sand volleyball courts at Utica District Park and Urbana District Park, a sled run and an ice skating pond at Pinecliff Park, a soccer court, four synthetic turf fields, two nature centers &DWRFWLQ &UHHN DQG )RXQWDLQ 5RFN 3DUNV DQG D PDQRU KRXVH DQG FKLOGUHQ¶V PXVHXP DW 5RVH +LOO 0DQRU 3DUN Recreational activities include but are not limited to the following types of programming: nature, history, sports clinics and leagues, community events, summer camps, health & wellness classes, cooking classes, teen programs, social programs for developmentally challenged individuals, adaptive recreation, and arts & enrichment-based programs. Many visitors (in county/out of county) have used FCPR facilities and/or programs in the past year. In FY21, County parks received 3,940,549 visits. The Division facilitated over 1,600 recreation programs, for participants of all ages, that had 12,373 enrollments. In 2021 our pool of volunteers contributed 8,500 hours of their time to assist with youth sports league programs and nature center activities. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to reduce our program participation and program offerings throughout FY21.


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