FY2023 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2023 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets


2USKDQV¶ &RXUW This is a probate court with jurisdiction over estates which are administered judicially. It is especially concerned in wills to minors and the appointment of guardians for them. Orphans' Courts were unknown in

provincial Maryland and were first created in Maryland under the Acts of 1777. They were to be established in each county and served by a Register of Wills. The initial act established that in contested cases, the parties were entitled to file their actions in courts of general jurisdiction ± the then general court, the chancery court, or the county court. In 1851, the judges of the Orphans' Court became constitutional judges. Present constitutional recognition of the Orphan's Court can be found in Maryland Constitution Article IV, §§ 1 and 40. 7KH WKUHH SUHVLGLQJ -XGJHV RI WKH 2USKDQV¶ &RXUW LQ )UHGHULFN &RXQW\ DUH HOHFWHG RQ D SDUWLVDQ EDVLV IRU IRXU -year terms. A judge must be over 30 years of age, a resident of Maryland and their jurisdiction for twelve months before their election and of the Circuit for six months. There are no professional qualifications. They are responsible for approving administration accounts, ensuring that only appropriate payments are made from estate assets and that distributions are made appropriately. The Governor appoints the Chief Judge from among the three elected. The Court is in session two mornings a week. Strategic Goals

County Strategic Goal Alignment: Fairly and diligently review and approve estate filings in a timely manner Community Needs

Sign orders approving estate accounts, personal representative appointments, and all other orders to ensure timely closure of estates

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023

Hearings held tracking only Orders signed tracking only

Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual













Orders overturned by a higher court

0 2

0 0

0 0



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