FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget
FY2022 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets
Consolidated Budget Overview DGGHG WR ³VDYLQJV´ IRU D IXWXUH \HDU¶V XVH VKRZQ DV D QHJDWLYH DPRXQW 7KH *HQHUDO )XQG LV WKH primary source of this account type with FY2022 budgeted at $29.6 million, which derives from the FY2020 General Fund financial performance. As a note, actual amounts are usually not recorded unless a specific action to use fund balance was taken. In this schedule ³UHYHQXHV RYHU XQGHU H[SHQGLWXUHV UHSUHVHQWV WKH IXQG EDODQFH ³XVHG´ QHJDWLYH RU ³VDYHG´ SRVLWLYH Expenditures/Expenses: Personnel expenditures were driven by two factors. The first was the implementation of the first phase of the recent compensation and classification study for general employees of the County. Secondly, specific budget appeals for additional staff and a carry over of a mid year budget amendment that also added several positions. Operating expenditures are holding steady while some expenses are increasing others are decreasing resulting in a 0.8% increase overall. Capital expenditures should not be confused with capital projects. Capital expenditures represented here are individual items that have a value over ten thousand dollars. This account category can fluctuate based on capital needs for the budget year, since the individual purchases are not re occurring. Recoveries DUH VKRZQ DV D ³QHJDWLYH´ H[SHQGLWXUH DQG ZLOO UHGXFH WKH &RXQW\¶V RYHUDOO H[SHQGLWXUH OLQHV 7KLV EXGJHW LV PRQLHV WKDW WKH &RXQW\ H[SHFW WR ³UHFRYHU´ IURP RWKHU GHSDUWPHQWV DJHQFLHV DQG WKLUG parties related to expenses that the County has already expended. An example would be the Resident Deputy Program. Certain municipalities have requested specific public safety coverage. The Sheriff Division, hires and pays deputies to fulfill this request and the municipalities pay the County back for these additional services. This budgeted amount is expected to stay relatively flat for FY2022.
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