FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2022 Adopted Budget Budget and Finance Policy Capital Improvement Program Policy

Th e Capita l Improvemen t Progra m (CIP) is a schedul e of publi c improvement projects planne d b y Count y Governmen t t o occur over a six year perio d an d includes projec t descriptions, estimate d costs, and sources of funding . Th e Capita l Budge t is th e firs t year o f th e CI P and includes thos e projects for which funds hav e been appropriated. A capital projec t i n th e CIP shal l establis h certai n characteristics includin g value, usefu l life and overal l contributio n t o the Count y infrastructure. The projec t wil l have an estimate d individua l cos t totalin g $100,000 or more. Eligible capita l costs wil l include Land Acquisition , Sit e Improvements, Planning , Design, Construction , Inspection/Overhead , Technolog y Equipment/Infrastructure, Capita l an d Non Capita l Equipment/Vehicle s (related t o start up costs or comprehensiv e replacemen t plan), an d Projec t Management . Thes e costs wil l be listed in curren t dollar s an d updated annually.

A Capita l Improvements Progra m Committe e shal l b e establishe d and managed b y the Budget Office. The y will evaluat e th e merits of each requeste d project and recommen d to th e Count y Executiv e wha t should be include d i n the Count y Executive Propose d Budget. Th e Count y will attempt t o budge t pay g o fundin g fo r capita l improvements a t a n amoun t equal t o 7 % of General Fund operatin g revenues . All pay go sources will b e considere d i n tota l in reachin g this goa l excep t for direc t third part y donation s or grants . Other capita l fundin g will be obtained b y genera l obligation bonds/leases, state DQG IHGHUDO JUDQWV HQWHUSULVH IXQG UHVRXUFHV DQG RWKHU VRXUFHV 7KH %XGJHW 2IILFH ZLOO DQQXDOO\ UHYLHZ WKH &RXQW\¶V GHEW affordabilit y standards, update WKH VWXG\ DQG FRPSDUH WR WKH &RXQW\¶V SHHU JURXS $OO FDSLWDO SURMHFWV wil l b e reviewe d an d approved i n accordanc e with Annotate d Cod e of Marylan d Lan d Us e Articl e § 3 20 5 regardin g consistenc y wit h th e Count y Comprehensiv e Plan. Th e Plannin g Commission ZLOO YRWH RQ WKH FRQVLVWHQF\ EDVHG RQ WKH &RXQW\ ([HFXWLYH¶V proposed budget.


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