FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2022 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Planning and Permitting Division

Planning and Permitting Division This Division is comprised of two functional departments and one policy-focused land use planning office. Specifically, the Division includes the Department of Development Review and Planning; the Department of Permits and Inspections; and, the Office of Livable Fredrick Planning and Design. Livable Frederick Planning & Design Office

Staff of the Livable Frederick Planning & Design Office develops and advances comprehensive, long-range planning documents through collaborative efforts with the County Executive, the County Council and the County Planning Commission. This Office also bears responsibility for the drafting, presentation, approval and implementation of a number of functional planning and policy related documents, such as the Planning Annual Report; the triennial Water and Sewer Master Plan and related cycle amendments; the Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan; and, the Historic Preservation Master Plan.

Implementation of the Livable Frederick Master Plan, a long-term vision and policy-focused strategic planning document, also falls under the primary jurisdiction of this Office. Unlike prior comprehensive planning efforts, the Livable Frederick Master Plan is policy based, not zoning and land use driven. Initial implementation efforts under the Livable Frederick Master Plan include long-term preservation strategies for the Sugarloaf Mountain area and revitalization opportunities within in the MD85/MD355 corridors south of the City of Frederick.

As noted above, the first substantive planning efforts related to the implementation of the Livable Frederick Master Plan are the Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Area Plan and the South Frederick Corridors Plan . The Sugarloaf area planning effort focuses on the protection and preservation of neighborhoods, resources and amenities located in the vicinity of Sugarloaf Mountain. The South Frederick Corridors Plan focuses on opportunities for economic growth and revitalization within the commercialized MD355 and MD85 corridors extending to the south of the City of Frederick. Development Review and Planning The Development Review and Planning Department performs multiple functions, serving primarily as the clearinghouse for private and public land development proposals subject to review by the

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