FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget
FY2022 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets
Length of Service Award Program Trust
Length of Service Award Program Trust The Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is a voluntary program funded by Frederick County and administered by the Frederick County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association (FCVFRA). Volunteer Fire and Rescue personnel in Frederick County enrolled in LOSAP are eligible to receive certain financial benefits based on years of qualified service. Beginning in FY2017, the County's expense for this program was required to change from a cash pay as you go basis to an actuarially determined expense. With this change came the creation of a Trust Fund established by the County, which is reported here. The LOSAP Trust Fund holds assets for investment to pay future costs and is used to measure and report on the liability resulting from the promise to pay future benefits. Presented for informational purposes only and is not adopted by the County Council. Budget Highlights The Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) is fully funded in the FY2022 budget. When determining the ADC, there were no methodology changes or assumption changes.
Funded Ratio FY2019 Actual
FY2020 Actual FY2022 Projection 13.0% 16.9% 17.70% N/A FY2021 Projection
Note: The funded ratio is affected by different factors and can fluctuate from one year to the next even with funding ADC at 100% and with no substantive changes to the plan. The ratio being shown is as of June 30 th of the fiscal year.
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