FY2022 Adopted Operating and Capital Budget

FY2022 Adopted Budget Fund Budgets


Grants The grant fund accounts for Federal and State grant revenues and expenditures. This fund is a special revenue fund and receives revenues from Federal and State grant programs and expends these funds in accordance with the terms of the grants. 7KH &RXQW\¶V *HQHUDO )XQG DOVR VXSSRUWV WKH JUDQW SURJUDPV

Budget Highlights

The FY22 budget is consistent with the FY21 Adopted Budget. However, a multi year grant was added mid year in FY2021, reflecting an increase in FTEs. An independent study of salary and benefits was conducted. As a result, the budget reflects a several year phase in to adjust the salaries of certain positions to reflect current market rates, as well as adjustments to salary scales, position titles, and classifications. Changes in salaries and benefits based on contracts, individual benefit elections, tax laws, etc., are also included.


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