FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets


Non-Departmental County Non-Departmental Included are County dues for the Maryland Association of Counties, the National Association of Counties, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

Personnel Non-Departmental Included is the County's portion of funding for employee assistance, employee training, funding for employee drug testing, medical testing, investigations, and position advertising, etc.

Finance Non-Departmental Included here are licensing fees to the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, bond administration fees, and audit expenses.

Risk Management Non-Departmental Included here is liability insurance, which provides comprehensive property and casualty coverage for the County and other agency members. Also included here are the costs of property appraisals, and risk related consultants.

Contingencies Several sources of funds are budgeted to address unanticipated expenditures. Contingencies include the county contingency fund, unanticipated expense, fuel cost reserve, severe weather contingency, and revenue stabilization. The County Contingency Fund is used at the direction of the County Executive and/or the County Council to fund unexpected needs that arise during the fiscal year. Unexpended balances in this account will be reserved at the end of the year for future use. An equal amount of unanticipated revenue and expenditure is budgeted in order to recognize and expend additional revenues that may be received during the year. Also under this category is the budget that accounts for indirect costs recovered from the enterprise funds and grant funds.

Transfer to Other Funds Included are transfers of general fund monies to other funds including transfers to the Capital Projects Fund, the Agricultural Preservation Fund, and the Fleet Fund.

Transfer to Grant Funds Included are transfers of general fund monies to the Grants Fund. These funds are used to meet grant matching requirements and to supplement the program if needed.


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