FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Independent Agencies

Board of Elections Mission Statement

The Frederick County Board of Elections is committed to providing all eligible citizens of the County convenient access to voter registration; to provide all registered voters accessible locations in which they may exercise their right to vote; to promote fair and equitable elections; and to maintain registration records and other election-related data accurately and in a form that is accessible to the public.

The Board of Elections conducts county, state and federal elections. It is responsible for maintaining voter registration; selecting early voting locations and polling places; hiring and training election judges; administration of the nursing home and assisted living program; and receiving candidate filings. The office creates and alters precincts as needed, based on WKH FRXQW\¶V HYHU -expanding voting population. Currently, there are over 181,000 registered voters in the County. Every 10 years, after the U.S. Census, the Maryland General Assembly draws new congressional and legislative districts,

and this office is charged with implementing those changes. This includes notifying voters of their new districts and creating the maps for these districts. Additionally, for the first time in 2021, the County will be drawing new County Council districts, as outlined in the Charter.

Strategic Goals Election Security

Working with the Department of Homeland Security and the State Board of Elections, put in place the best possible election security practices to safeguard all election equipment and personnel, thus protecting the sanctity of the vote. Conduct 2020 General Election If an in-person election is held, we would recruit, hire and train all the election judges needed for the 2020 general election, especially younger MXGJHV ,PSOHPHQW WKH VWDWH¶V QHZ VDPH -day registration program for Election Day. Prepare voting equipment for early voting and Election Day.

Due to Covid-19, the November 2020 general election might be conducted by mail, as the 2020 primary election was. We would find a limited number of in-person voting locations for persons who cannot vote by mail, recruit the needed number of election judges for those locations, and prepare the voting equipment needed for both Election Day and an extended canvass of the vote-by-mail ballots. Frederick County Board of Elections


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