FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021Adopted Budget Budget Overview

Budget Enhancement

Strategic Priorities

Over $302 thousand additional to the Parks and Recreation Division to meet increasing request for services and additional facilities Over $393 thousand additional to the Health Services Division for school health programs to meet mandates, increasing request for services, and additional facilities, including a FY20 mid-year staffing re-alignment $1.8 million additional transfer to the Debt Service and Capital Project Funds to fund capital projects Union contract obligations for county employees and a merit for all eligible non-union county employees. $5.0 million for Agricultural Preservation Programs related to the increased recordation tax (Agricultural Preservation Fund) $950 thousand for capital equipment replacement (Sold Waste Fund) Good Government $640 thousand for capital equipment replacement (Water & Sewer Fund) Good Government Good Government Growth

Community Needs; Growth

Education; Community Needs; Growth Education, Community Needs, Growth, Jobs, Seniors

Looking to the future, the County will need to project the long-term effects that the pandemic will have on the County as a collective unit and balance the needs of the community with the uncertainty of the long-term effect on revenue sources. A recurring issue will be that no single budget can accomplish all that needs to be done. Annual re-investment in the community will result in a sustainable budget driven by economic growth. The annual Capital Budget and multi-year Capital Improvement Program are the tools that will guide investments where they deliver the greatest return for the community.

Kelly Weaver, Budget Director


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