FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Parks and Recreation Division

Parks and Recreation Division PARKS & RECREATION Recreational Services Vision Statement The Department of Recreational Services will enhance the quality of life by providing innovative activities and programs to meet the recreational needs of our community. We will encourage participation in a variety of recreational opportunities that will foster enjoyment and lifelong learning.

Park Operations Vision Statement

The Frederick Department of Park Operations strives to conserve and maintain the integrity of the highest level of quality natural and cultural resources and facilities for future generations. The preservation and care of Park facility resources is of the utmost importance for everyone to safely enjoy.

Frederick County Division of Parks and Recreation (FCPR) operates 23 parks which include features such as athletic facilities, picnic shelters, hiking trails, fishing areas, key water trail access points, tennis and basketball courts, historic sites, and more. County citizens continue to seek out Frederick County Parks and Recreation facilities to get active, explore nature, and connect with friends and neighbors. Parks and Recreation is committed to maintaining and H[SDQGLQJ WKH FRXQW\¶V UHFUHDWLRQDO DUHDV SDUNV ELNH DQG ZDONLQJ trails, and other recreational infrastructure that contributes toward LPSURYLQJ FRXQW\ UHVLGHQWV¶ SK\VLFDO DQG PHQWDO KHDOWK DQG promotes economic opportunities. The Division prioritizes maintenance and strategic capital resources to ensure that our public

park infrastructure remains operational, keeping pace with state of the art technologies and practices. The Parks and Recreation provides powerful benefits that create healthier people, protects our natural resources, and contribute to environmental sustainability. Within the park system are some unique amenities such as: a disc golf course and marble rings in Middletown Park, two of the County's three historic covered bridges (in Loy's Station Park and Roddy Road Parks), four synthetic turf fields, two nature centers (Catoctin Cree N DQG )RXQWDLQ 5RFN 3DUN DQG D PDQRU KRXVH DQG FKLOGUHQ¶V PXVHXP DW 5RVH +LOO 0DQRU Park. Recreational programming includes special events, trips, sports and summer camps, fitness, leagues, nature programs, cooking, special interests, teen programs, crafts and games, social programs for developmentally challenged individuals, music programs and the arts. Many visitors (in county/out of county) have used FCPR facilities and/or programs in the past year. In FY20, County parks received 2,320,853 visits. The Division coordinated recreation programs and activities for over 16,790 participants of all ages in 1,564 programs and summer camps; annual special events received participation from over 7,379 guests. Also in FY20, 5,173 volunteer hours were spent by dedicated individuals who volunteered by contributing their time and skills to a wide variety of programs and activities, from youth sports programming, special events, to park development and maintenance. The COVID 19 Pandemic greatly reduced our spring and early summer FY20 program participation and program offerings since all programs were cancelled. 368

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