FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Health Services Division

Health Services Division The Health Department functions at both a State and County level by implementing State and County laws and regulations. The Director / Health Officer reports to the State Health Department and to the County Executive on public health issues in the County and the region. The Health Department performs all mandated functions as outlined in the Code of

Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and also implements numerous Federal and State grant programs to address identified health needs in the community. &RPPXQLW\ SDUWQHUVKLSV DUH DQ HVVHQWLDO FRPSRQHQW RI WKH +HDOWK 'HSDUWPHQW¶V VXFFHVV The Health Department is proud to be an accredited organization, a status they achieved in 2014 and have successfully maintained.

Core Services Core Public Health funding supports the following programs: Administration; Adult Evaluation and Review Services; Behavioral Health; &KLOGUHQ¶V Dental Health; Environmental Health: Food Control, Water Quality, Community Services, and Well & Septic programs; Maternal and Child Health; Communicable Disease Control and Prevention; and Adult Chronic Disease Health outreach, education and screening. The funding is shared by the State and the County.

School Health Program The Frederick County Health Department School Health Program is a collaborative effort with the County Public School System. The goal of the program is to prevent and identify student health related problems and to intervene to modify or remediate these problems. The Comprehensive School Health Program includes delivery of health services and health education that directly contributes to the student's educational success as well as the health of the family and community. Mental Health Services Program The Mental Health Services Program provides psychological therapy

services to Frederick County adults with mild to severe mental illness. The Program is proud to have been accredited for three years from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF). The clinic also provides medication management services. Frederick County partially funds this program in addition to fees collected. Detention Center Substance Abuse Treatment Program The substance use disorder services in the Detention Center include an intensive outpatient substance use treatment program serving an average of 24 males and 10 females. Peer support services are also available to all participants. The programs are very structured, consisting of individual and group therapy, utilizing Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), an evidence based practice for the criminal justice population.


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