FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Citizens Services Division

Citizens Services Division The work of this Division covers a vast array of duties and responsibilities spread across multiple Departments and numerous Boards and Commissions. Each has a unique focus on specialized services that target well defined needs of the community.

Leadership at the Division level has established overarching strategic goals which cascade down through the organization. Each section of the organization in turn has developed a specialized mission statement and actionable strategic goals. Division Strategic Goals Leadership The Division is positioning itself to be a leader in the provision of community services and resources in order to meet the needs of County residents. Collaboration The Division will succeed by expanding and strengthening collaborations within and between its Departments and externally with its community partners. Reinvestment Limited fiscal resources will be optimized for community reinvestment to best meet client/customer needs for service. Improved Outcomes Residents receiving services will be surveyed to ensure they are satisfied. Customer needs will be met.

Scott Key Center Mission Statement Foster

person-centered, employment opportunities and community involvement for individuals with developmental disabilities in Frederick County. The Scott Key Center provides employment training and employment opportunities for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. integrated

The Scott Key Center embraces the Employment First initiative. Employment First, a national movement, is a framework for systems change that is centered on the premise that all citizens, including individuals with significant disabilities, are capable of full participation in integrated employment and community life.

Implementing innovative and creative approaches, the Scott Key Center provides customized employment through utilizing the discovery process, job development, and on-going supports for individuals in integrated competitive jobs. The entire SURFHVV IRFXVHV RQ WKH LQGLYLGXDO¶V OLNHV GHVLUHV VWUHQJWKV ZHDNQHVVHV WDOHQWV VNLOOV H[SHULHQFH DQG HGXFDWLRQ Facilitating collaboration with family members, staff, community partners, and other stakeholders, the Scott Key Center is able to customize the services and supports it provides to the person. As a result, more individuals will be able to choose the supports and jobs they want to have in the communities where they live, and be respected for their abilities and contributions.


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