FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets

Emergency Management Division

Emergency Preparedness The Department of Emergency Preparedness coordinates the emergency preparedness, response, and recovery efforts of Frederick County Government with appropriate public and private partners to mitigate the adverse impact of hazard events on the county. These partners include county agencies, community DQG EXVLQHVV RUJDQL]DWLRQV WKH FRXQW\¶V municipalities, adjacent counties, the State of Maryland, and federal government installations and agencies with interests in Frederick County.

Strategic Goals Improve Strategic Management with Partners

Formalize process to gather and share strategic program information annually for use in developing capital and operating budgets and human resource plans. Explicitly state and communicate divisional principles: make connections, solve problems, work together and be nice to all employees and partners. Maintain and Enhance Service Quality for Customers Achieve staffing levels based on internal and customer-provided requirements. Identify and document process knowledge that supports staff development. Review potential to staff and integrate non-emergency customer relationship management function with 9-1-1 to provide better non-emergency service to citizens every day and support sudden surges in emergency activity during off-peak hours. Develop Cohesive Teams Ensure business process and information technology staff form a cohesive team for supporting mission critical systems. Assess and document needs for internal and external information system support. Develop and enhance project / task / knowledge management practice to support operational needs for mission critical systems. Establish shared written procedures for recurring service tasks that must be staffed 24/7/365 by a mix of business process and information technology staff.


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