FY2021 Adopted Budget

FY2021 Adopted Budget Organizational Budgets


Courts Frederick County Circuit Court

The Circuit Court section of the budget includes operation of the Circuit Court and the Jury Selection System administered by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Circuit Court This is the highest common law and equity Court of record exercising original jurisdiction within the State. It is a trial Court which handles major civil cases, where the controversy exceeds $25,000, family court cases, cases involving juveniles and more serious criminal matters as well as appeals or requests for jury trials from the District Court and certain administrative agencies. Judges are usually appointed by the Governor for a period not to exceed two years, after which they must stand for election for a 15-year term.

The Frederick County Circuit Court has a family walk-in center where citizens can obtain free legal help from lawyers, paralegals, or court staff. The centers can assist with child custody, child support, divorce, name changes, domestic violence and paternity. Jury Selection System This system is administered by the Clerk of the Circuit Court under the direct supervision of the Jury Judge. There are two types of jurors: grand jurors and petit jurors. The Grand Jury plays an important role in the criminal justice process. It HYDOXDWHV WKH 6WDWH¶V HYLGHQFH DJDLQVW D SHUVRQ DQG GHFLGHV ZKHWKHU WKHUH LV SUREDEOH FDXVH IRU FULPLQDO FKDU ges. Petit jurors serve in both criminal and civil matters, hearing evidence from all parties to the proceedings to decide the outcome of the case based on the facts and laws presented. Both grand and petit jurors are chosen by random selection from a fair cross section of citizens residing in the county. The jury pool is created from a consolidated list of registered voters from the Board of Elections and licensed drivers or identification card holders from the Motor Vehicle Administration.


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